Coffee N. 5

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Have you ever felt like the day went by, and you didn’t get much done? Or maybe you looked at all the things that you have to do and thought: I don’t have enough time for this. If so, then this episode is for you. Today’s we have Alexis Haselberger, time management and productivity coach, who will teach us that we do have time, much more than what we think, we just need to learn how to be more efficient.  It’s all about developing a strategy that works for us and helps us get things done without feeling stressed.  Alexis has worked with individual clients of all ages and with companies like Google, Lyft, Workday, Capital One, Upwork, among others. In this episode, she shares some tips and tricks that will help us to start using our time with intention.


  • Alexis works with people to help them be more efficient, this means, help them find a way to systematize things and do more with their time, so they won’t feel stressed out because they had so much to do and little time to do it, or because there’s a mismatch between the efforts and the results.
  • What is it on your plate? Alexis knows that every person is different, and therefore, the time management and productivity plan has to be created according to who you are. 
  • Track your time! For Alexis, the first step is keeping a detailed record of what you do every day, and how much time you invest in it.
  • Use your time with intention. For Alexis, productivity has to do with choosing. Deciding what to do with your time, with the list of things that you have to do is very different from just letting the day happen to us, even if we decide to take a time off and disconnect from work. You’ll feel that you have accomplished more when you start to plan and choose. 
  • The dopamine hit: Alexis defines this as the satisfaction you get when you cross things on your list. There isn’t a universal strategy that works for everyone. Each person can have their own strategy and be equally efficient.
  • Over the years, Alexis listened to clients say that planning and standardizing procedures took a lot of time. But they failed to realize that it was an investment for the future: you must take some time now to plan, standardize, and create templates, but in the future, it will save you time, it will make your work and others easier.
  • Alexis and Lara geek out about tips and tricks to help you organize your work and be more efficient with your time.

If you want to know more about Alexis and her workshops and coaching programs, visit her website or follow her on Instagram and Youtube. Check out her online courses.

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Lara Schmoisman, CEO & Founder of The Darl and Marketing Simplificado


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