sheila nazarian

Meet Sheila Nazarian

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Today’s guest is Sheila Nazarian. Some might know her for one of her several services she provides, from plastic surgery to a platform where you can find business advice. Some might know her for the Netflix show, Skin Decision: Before and After. But today, she is here to talk about her family history, her personal expectations, and how she sees and manages her work. Let’s meet Sheila.


  • Sheila Nazarian has a very interesting family history. It’s an underdog story, about a family that had to escape from Iran in the ‘80s and the risk of being deported during the Carter administration.
  • Growing up in a different country and culture, Sheila had to overcome impostor syndrome, and learned to do things for herself, and not to please somebody else. Now she knows her strengths and weaknesses and is not afraid to be open about both.
  • Who is at the thanksgiving table of your life? Thanks to the Netflix show, Sheila received positive messages from people that didn’t know her, but she also discovered who is interested in seeing her fail. She decided not to invest her energy in those people, you shouldn’t care about their opinion.
  • As a plastic surgeon, Sheila cares to know about her patients and why they are interested in doing a surgery, to be sure that they are doing it for the right reasons. Sheila sees a plastic surgery as a way to take care of yourself, like eating healthy or working out.
  • Working with patients from different parts of the world, Sheila knows and understands that there are some cultural restrictions in the way men and women see themselves, or if they even should be getting plastic surgery. She knows that being open and talking about the procedures and experiences can help to gain their trust and make them feel comfortable with their decision. 
  • Managing your team is not easy. Sheila knows her strengths and weaknesses, and that helped her to delegate. And if someone is not the right fit, you have to let them go, before it affects the rest of the team.

 If you want to know more about Sheila and her services, you can visit The Skin Spot, Nazarian Plastic Surgery, or Nazarian Institute. You can also follow her on Instagram.

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Lara Schmoisman, CEO & Founder of The Darl and Marketing Simplificado


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