Erin Claire Jones - Coffee N.5 Podcast

Erin Claire Jones is a leadership coach, in this podcast together we will explore the concepts of Human Design and how to incorporate all of that into your day-to-day and improve your interpersonal relationships.

Human design is a system collaboration of astrology, the Kabbalah system, genetics, biochemistry, the chakra system, and many others in an effort to allow people to find and define themselves and explore how they best interact with others. She unveils the manifesting generator, generator, projector, manifestor, and reflector.

Human design is meant to be incorporated into your everyday life. As you unveil yourself and begin to explore the different facets of your own design, you will notice the people that surround you within every area of your life. This allows you to navigate and improve your interpersonal relationships and create safer spaces for yourself and others around you. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The 5 types outlined in Human Design. 

  1. Manifesting generators: The Multifaceted Doer
  2. Manifestors: The Innovators
  3. Generators: The Creative Doers
  4. Projectors: The Advisors
  5. Reflectors: The Evaluators

Human Design is not meant to keep people in a box, but to permit people to learn more about themselves and how to do the things/jobs that they are assigned effectively and in the best way possible. 

If you want to learn more about Erin Claire Jones, check out his social media channels.

Instagram:  @erinclairejones

Website: Erin Claire Jones

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Episode 63 – Coffee N.5 – Human Design: A key role in understanding your team


Lara Schmoisman  0:05  

This is coffee N5. I’m your host, Lara Schmoisman. Welcome back everyone to coffee number five. And I think that for the first time in a very long time, I’m not going to mess it up  saying someone’s name. Today, I’m super excited that we have Erin Claire. And you guys know that I’m all about design, that I love graphic design, motion graphics design, but also I believe in creating cultures by design, and teamwork by design. And that’s how  I work with my very large team of people. And so today, I found out that Claire, I mean, I didn’t find out today I found out a while ago, but she talked about humans by design. So welcome Clair and I need some explanation here. I need you to explore a little more in this concept because I’m fascinated. 


Erin Claire Jones  1:08  

Yeah, so Human Design is a system that basically, it’s based on our exact time, date and place of birth. And it really reveals how we are each uniquely wired to thrive. And what I mean by that is, how we’re wired to make decisions and work within teams and collaborate and partner and pair all the things. It basically lets us know what our unique roadmap is. And it’s a reminder that we all do things differently. And the more we honor our differences, the better we’ll feel the more we try to be similar, the more kind of resistance or challenge we might find. 


Lara Schmoisman  1:19  

And so how does this align with astrology? 


Erin Claire Jones  1:44  

So it’s really just a different system, but they’re super useful together and I think they can be really compatible together. You know, Human Design does draw from astrology. So Human Design pulls from a lot of different systems including astrology, the i ching, the Kabbalah, system, chakra system, quantum physics, genetics, biochemistry, all that kind of weaves together to give us a blueprint of how we operate at our best. So it’s a different system, you know, in astrology, they can take a look at a human design chart and immediately know it in the same way that I can’t look at a natal chart and just like get it, but they both are really so useful, but also different.


Lara Schmoisman  2:15  

 Okay, I’m fascinated. How do you learn Human Design? Where do you start? 


Erin Claire Jones  0:43  

So there are lots of different ways to learn, you know, it’s a very dense system, it’s very much like a lifelong study. You know, I think that there are amazing books out there. There are some great courses but yeah, there are lots of different educational opportunities but I think the most important thing to start with is really learning your own design. And just like really kind of playing with it in your own life to see how it feels. I think that it is an endless well of information but I think the magic of Human Design is that the information it offers us is so practical, so grounded and simple, so very much like it offers us things that we can bring into our day to day life. 


Lara Schmoisman  2:42  

I have to be honest, I’m like, I’m fascinated by everything that is education, but this year is the first time I got my birth chart with astrology and I learned a lot of things, a lot of information. I love Kabbalah. It is something that I live by and anything I can integrate into my life and it’s not a chore because I think a lot of people don’t want to integrate parts of their life that don’t fit who they are. 


Erin Claire Jones  3:32  

Yeah, I think it’s really like Human Design more than anything else, it just gives us permission. It’s just like I think, rarely Am I telling people anything that they don’t know, it’s just like giving them a language and a framework to kind of understand things I’ve always felt but never really had like a language or way to actually step into it.


Lara Schmoisman  3:48  

 Okay, I know you asked me before we started the podcast for my information. Do we want to go a little deeper into that so we can get the right sample of what human design is? 


Erin Claire Jones  3:59  

Yeah And we can also talk about the different types of general you know to kind of give people a sense of what the possibilities might be so in Human Design, there are five different types manifesting generators, generators, projectors, reflectors, and manifestors. And, and so you’re a manifesting generator in Human Design, and it basically means that you’re kind of this like, and this is the first piece there’s so much more beyond this, but it basically means that you are like a multi passionate creator and doer, you know, that kind of naturally has the energy and the creativity and the lifeforce and vitality, like make things happen. And you might find that you really like having your energy and a lot of things at once. You like feeling really critically inspired, you can move really fast, you know, you’re very independent, but it’s really about having the right support and the right team around you. And so much of being a manifesting generator is one like being around boundaries, and really learning how to prioritize your own excitement and your own satisfaction and your own joy because the more lit up and excited you are, the more magnetic you’ll become. And also like the more energy you’ll have to basically do everything else and also knowing that you aren’t really meant to stay in one lane. Like you might find that you keep pivoting and shifting and your career is very nonlinear. And like so much of your work is to just stay connected to what you have the energy for, and give yourself kind of permission to keep pivoting and keep growing.


Lara Schmoisman  5:12  

Oh my god, I have the chills. You just, I mean, my team. I don’t know if they are online, but I don’t know what they will think about that. But yes, I mean, I keep going in in zigzags, I go back and forth. And it’s hard to keep up with me, I have to be honest.


Erin Claire Jones  5:29  

Yeah. And I think it’s really important for you to not expect others to keep up with you and for others not to try to keep up with you. I think that I talked to the manifesting generator client recently. And you know, she said she just got through six assistants, because she was so disappointed because none of them moved as fast as her and I was just like, they’re not meant to, you know, like, you really gotta appreciate it. Like they bring a different gift, a different skill set to the table. So I think Human Design is so useful in the context of teams because it really helps us know how to kind of manage and work with people that are different from us. And I think a lot of manifesting generators I’ve worked with have kind of made themselves wrong for that have been like I’m doing too much I like I’m too scattered. Like I’m not like honing in on just one thing. But like, so much of your gift is actually that multi passionate nature, and that choosing 


Lara Schmoisman  6:12  

I think it’s about finding your core beliefs that it took me many, many years to feel like, apparently because I’m a general manifest generator. manifester generator, I don’t fit in a box. It was hard for me, school was crazy. And for me, it was hard to work in a nine to five job because I was going faster than everyone else.


Erin Claire Jones  6:40  

Hmm, exactly. You know, and again, an amazing gift and a gift unique to you, you know, the gift of manifesting generators is finding the quickest way to get from A to Z. But in doing so you might skip a bajillion steps along the way, you know, and so it’s really good to have people around you that can like very much be in the step by step process in a way that really frees you to just kind of be in that powerful creative flow.


Lara Schmoisman  6:59  

Oh my god, I have to tell this to my husband, because he’ll always say you want to put duct tape, you want to put a fast glow on everything. Well, if it works for me, it works for me. So why would I waste time doing something in any other way? And I think that’s what people need to find a little bit more who they are, and what they’re good at. Not trying to fit in other people’s boxes. And I mean, this, that’s a big issue I have with education, because education has the people in the middle, people below and people higher, so they’re always trying to level in the middle. And I think that society prepares us for that, I understand why they do it. I understand why they do it because they cannot have different teachers for different levels, they cannot individualize education for each student is not possible in in many ways. But at the same time we are, I feel like we’re not preparing people for after they finished with education to say, Okay, now I’m free to accept who I am. And to find who I am, really, and then use those skills. So again, I would like to start now that you give us a little bit about myself and you show that anyone who knows me knows that what you said is completely 100% true. So I want to go deeper into these five different types of types or types of personalities. What do you call it?


Erin Claire Jones  8:35  

 Just types 


Lara Schmoisman  8:36  

Okay, yeah, it’s different types, so I can understand them a little better. And also, this is what I mean, after how do you work with people like after you find out this information, then is something that you can go deeper and deeper and find other levels? how do people use this information?


Erin Claire Jones  8:55  

Yeah, you can definitely go deeper and deeper and deeper type is just the first piece, there’s so much underneath it. So I think that my work with people is very much helping them use Human Design in their lives, you know, to just find more flow and how they’re building their businesses and working and partnering and parenting and all of it. So I offered to write the guy that processions and we can talk about that stuff at the end, but there are lots of different ways to kind of play with it. And also partnerships, like for example, like sitting with you and your partner and helping you understand and appreciate how different you are, you know, and it offers us such a language to kind of just better work with people, whether it’s our kids, our partners or our teams. And in terms of the different types. So there are projectors, manifesting generators, generators, manifestors, and reflectors, and every type in Human Design will have a strategy of how they’re going to be best designed to create the right opportunities for themselves. So we talked about you being a manifesting generator. And the last piece that I would share about that is that your strategy and Human Design is about letting things come to you. You’re very magnetic by nature and you’re not really meant to like to sit at home and like to come up with the next thing I’ve sent here. Like you’re really here to be like out in the world and see It shows up and what sparks in what excites you kind of like just like let your gut drive you, you know and so for you, you’re very much to be like in response to life and really kind of very naturally magnetic and not chasing after enforcing.


Lara Schmoisman  10:10  

Is it possible that someone has hidden their personality or not letting bring those traits?Because honestly, there are many of the traits that I have now that I didn’t have growing up. And I don’t know if it was society or maturity or what it is, but there’s  some of the traits was something that I feel like I kind of work towards


Erin Claire Jones  10:32  

Yeah, I think that we often haven’t felt like permission to live our design. So I think Human Design really kind of returns us to that. But yeah, I think when I first discovered my design, I was like living none of it. You know, I think Human Design really likes reminders of our potential, but it doesn’t mean we’re living in immediately. So some of the different types, you know, we talked about manifesting generators, we also have generators, and they’re very similar to what I share. Some people group them together entirely, but they are a little bit less often around like wanting to do all the things and moving really quickly, like they’re very much on mastery, like really going deep into a process, kind of like one thing at a time really kind of diving deeply into that thing. If you’re a generator and you also love doing lots of things at once. I’ll never tell you not to do it. You know what I would ask you like do you really have the energy for all of them right now, you know, and your strategy and Human Design is similar to what I just shared in terms of like letting things come to you and not chasing after letting things show up in your world and spark your gut before you go after it. We’ve got projectors so projectors, I’m a projector and projectors are very much here to be the leaders, the guides, the advisors, the teacher is not here to do all the doing. So much of being a projector is really learning how to honor the ebbs and flows of your energy and not do, do, do, you know so if I try to be like you or keep up with you, I would just not do a great job. You know so so much of being a projector is like not trying to be a doer and knowing that your gift is like the way that you see and your perspective and your sensitivity to other people and often as projectors we love systems that kind of help us better understand people and how they work. 


Lara Schmoisman  12:02  

Now I feel like I want to have for everyone in my team. I want to know what personality is, what type it is because I will know how to deal with them or to communicate with them better or what to expect.


Erin Claire Jones  12:16  

That is why I got into human design. I literally came from a background. I like so many amazing startups with so many dysfunctional teams. And I think the value that I saw so immediately in human design was oh my god we can use this to work better together because we just like can really learn how to communicate with each person like how they work in teams, what kind of support they need, so 100% Yes, it’s like such powerful work to bring into teams and it makes you feel so seen.


Lara Schmoisman  12:39  

We have someone in my team who does the interviews and many times I’m there too or the coordinators of the area and something that we all agree is that in paper someone can be great and even have the experience but if we don’t feel like it’s a good fit for that team,  nothing else matters


Erin Claire Jones  12:59  

100% Yeah, and it’s so interesting because I just I’m gonna go back to the types because I know that we’re skipping around but you know we all have a different way of making decisions and Human Design and your way of making decisions is very much based on your gut feeling in the moment, you know and so and it’s not sleeping on things it’s like in the moment super spontaneous like it feels good or it doesn’t and it’s so good to be true for hiring to have like this feels right and this doesn’t and knowing that like you might not always go to justify or explain your decisions like you’re such a visceral feeling in your body often just knows things that like before you can even consider with your mind


Lara Schmoisman  13:31  

Well something that we do for example in the company I told you that we have a very unique work culture and my whole thing we’re 50 people all around the world different countries and we have co working all day long we have parties, we have challenges, we have a lot of fun together but also when we need to hire someone is what I will looking for before the skills what kind of balance we need in that person what do we need that person to bring to the team because what we’re looking at something a personality to bring to the team also you not only bring skills, someone brings something else that they want i think that i mean something that you’re talking about this leadership and for me being a good leader is being a good mentor too. But also finding the skills that we need as an individual. The mean when it’s someone that is a little more hyper if you need an you have a team that is really chill because we need them to to bring that anxiety or that passion or that urgency to the world. It depends on what I need. And I feel like many times during the recruiting process, and I had that issue when I was looking for a job, they weren’t looking for that. They were looking for skills. 


No, they’ve got to be the right match. You know, it benefits no one you know, it doesn’t benefit the higher or like the team, they really kind of are working at a team where it doesn’t really feel very good. And I think Human Design also reminds us that we all need each other. You don’t want to team up on manifesting generators, you don’t want a team of all projectors like you need balance you need different like unique people are going to balance each other out and offer really different skills. So it’s such a cool and such a powerful tool in teams.


I will let you finish with the types that I have so many questions,


Erin Claire Jones  15:22  

Very manifesting generator around. No and that’s such a great everyone but your design for sure in particular. So I think that projectors, you know, just to finish that, again, the leader is the teachers, the guides really here to be invited in. So I think as a projector, I would really reflect on where in your life you feel the most recognized and invited in and know like the right people for you are the ones that deeply see you deeply recognize your value, treasure you and like are inviting you in to share your perspective. So you know, really knowing the invitation is kind of your most powerful tool to actually know who’s ready for you and who to work with to date all of it. And also know that part of our work as projectors is about making ourselves visible and letting the world know that we exist. So the right people can invite us in. So sharing on Instagram or newsletters or events or with the community is just like putting yourself out there in a really authentic way and letting the right people resonate with you. Manifestors are really here to feel free, autonomous and in control, they’re really not here to be told what to do or manage or guided in any way to do things on their own terms and in their own way. And they’re really here to initiate, they’re gonna like to make the first move and get things started and like get the ball rolling. And their energy’s gonna often operate in creative sports where they can make a lot happen and then need to rest. And they’re often very innovative, where they can kind of see where things are going before other zoos are really being in a space for that innovative nature, so valued. And their strategy is about making the first move and also just keeping the people around them in the loop of what they’re choosing. And finally we have reflectors. These are basically like our collective nears. These are people that are super sensitive to our physical space and basically are always taking in and magnifying whatever space they’re in, whether it’s their family or city or community, in our home. And so it’s so important to be in spaces and around people that feel really good because they take that in so deeply. And the magic of reflectors is very much in their fluidity, they will have periods where they feel like a manifesting generator like you like a projector like me like a manifester, like a generator. And their job is not to choose just one thing or show up and just one way but like honor whatever feels like them that day. And then finally, just their gift is really in their kind of perspective that we call them evaluators. So it’s really important to be in spaces where they are so valued for that because they just like to see and sense and feel things that most people don’t. So, reflectors are evaluators, Manifestors are the innovators,  manifesting generators, the multi passionate doers, generators the creative doers and projectors, the advisors.


Lara Schmoisman  17:44  

Oh my god, that’s a lot of information. Thank you so much for that. Is there any, like, for example, like, someone who did their birth chart was telling me it’s normal that the mothers and the daughters have certain  similarities in their chart. Does it exist in Human Design, any kind of  similarities into parents and kids or into partners or best match or something like that.


Erin Claire Jones  18:17  

Yeah, I definitely see similarities at times, but I just kind of think that we really have the people that we need to be surrounded by, you know, I think we just like to attract those people. And sometimes it’s gonna be people with very similar designs so that we can like, learn similar lessons together. And sometimes there’ll be people that are entirely different. So I don’t think in terms of if we’re talking about like best matches, I’m never going to look at like, two partners and say, like, you know, you’re doomed or you’re destined to be together. Like, I think that we can make anything work. It’s more about like, how much can we honor how different we are? Or how much can we lean into our similarities and appreciate each other so I think there are benefits to both. But I think that what’s most important is just like understanding and appreciating differences, because I think where we get really tripped up is when we try to be the same


Lara Schmoisman  18:58  

Yeah, I can totally see where that comes from the  Kabbalah that is like growing relationships.


Erin Claire Jones  19:05  

Yeah. And it’s and it’s growing the relationships by honoring how different we are, you know, it’s by really like, it’s giving us space to really understand people on a really deep level. So we just like to know, our kids deeply in our team and our parents and our friends and our partners, we can just really appreciate how they work and really communicate with them accordingly.


Lara Schmoisman  19:24  

I think  George Bernard Shaw said that, but don’t quote me on this. And it is like we fall in love with  the differences not with the similarities, we fall in love with the imperfections of others. That’s what he said. And I think it’s so true because you don’t want to be perfect. You don’t fall in love with anyone perfect. You fall in love with the balance or those relationships work because it’s a balance. Otherwise if it will be all disabled, we constantly crash 


Erin Claire Jones  20:00  

And that’s the magic of Human Design is just like reminding us that we all do it differently. And the more we honor that, the better we’ll feel, you know, and I love the idea of falling in love with the differences because I think that like, I find that the more we understand what those differences are, the closer we feel, you know, like, the more connected we feel. And like you can imagine on your team, if you like, want them to show up, like manifesting generators, like, it’s going to be disappointing. But if you really like to understand and appreciate how they each uniquely operate, it can actually bring you so much closer together, and I’ll probably make them feel so seen.


Lara Schmoisman  20:27  

But it also happens, like for example, if there will be a designer who is a manifester generator, they won’t be able to do their job properly. Because they couldn’t complete I mean, I wouldn’t be able to call it sometimes now I understand this, maybe I’m not ADHD, I’m just this type. But I, for some roles for some activities, you cannot be probably one type because it’s not completed.


Erin Claire Jones  20:56  

Yeah, I think it depends, because there’s so much more  underneath it.  In terms of really shedding more light. And I really, I never want to tell people that they can’t do anything because of their design. It’s more about how they can do it in a way that actually works for them. So I really believe that like anyone could do anything, but it’s more about structuring that rule in a way that actually is effective for that maybe not having the right support moving at the right pace, like having the right deadlines, all of that stuff. So yeah, and again, there’s so much underneath it, but like, yeah, for manifesting generators, so lit up by that like, and if they have the right support, I think they could probably do anything. But it is again, it’s so much more, which is like how can we do it in a way that actually works for us?


Lara Schmoisman  21:33  

That’s amazing Erin. Thank you so much for being here. I know that you have a special code for our audience today. And so if you want to tell us how to find you, give us a code and anything you want to share with us.


Erin Claire Jones  21:48  

Yeah, so you can find me at Erin Claire Jones on Instagram, my website is And if you want to dig into your design, I know we just touched on the pieces briefly today. Like I think that you can, I offer a written guide. So your unique design. So that basically is like a book to you. And it’s really just meant to deliver the information in a really kind of empowering accessible way. So the discount code for that is Coffee5. And then I also offer individual sessions, private sessions, team sessions, if you also want to kind of get together and dive deeper in that way as well as group workshops. But really just such a powerful tool to just like align with exactly who it is we are and give ourselves permission to fully step into that.


Lara Schmoisman  22:26  

That’s amazing. Well, thank you again so much for being here and for all this knowledge that you gave us today.


Erin Claire Jones  22:33  

Of course it was my pleasure. Thank you for having me.


Lara Schmoisman  22:35  

Was so good to have you here today. See you next time. catch you on the flip side. Ciao ciao.


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