Micaela Passeri of Love Your Revolution

Episode 58 – Coffee N. 5 – Business Performance Coach

The strategy is not the only important thing when starting a business, the emotional triggers, and the hard work have the same value. Knowing yourself and how to manage your emotions is the key to knowing how to respond in critical situations. Micaela Passeri, Founder and CEO of Love Your Revolution, puts her business degree, experience, and many certifications to help entrepreneurs open their heart to more financial abundance with strategic monetization and sales structure implementation. She is an award-winning Emotional Intelligence and business performance coach and reveals some tips on how to be a successful entrepreneur.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Keys to be a successful entrepreneur.
  • How to manage your emotions and the emotional triggers, these are the foundations to personal and business success, controlling your emotions knows how to respond in critical situations explained Micaela. 
  • How to convert a free event/service to a paid client.  
  • The first steps of becoming an entrepreneur. Micaela says the most important thing is to know what you want and where you want to go. 
  • How to scale our business. It’s all about strategy!
  • Emotional intelligence and leadership skills. 
  • The compounding effect. 
  • 3 tips to be a successful entrepreneur.

If you want to learn more about Micaela, visit her social media. 

Instagram: @micaelapasseri1

Facebook: Micaela Passeri

Linkedin: Micaela Passeri

Download our free guide to Clubhouse, and learn everything you need to know about this social network.

Lara Schmoisman, CEO & Founder of The Darl and Marketing Simplificado

Instagram: @laraschmoisman

Facebook: @LaraSchmoisman

LinkedIn: @laraschmoisman

Twitter: @LaraSchmoisman

Learn How a Simple Change Can Increase Your Revenue 30% with Micaela Passeri of Love Your Revolution


Lara Schmoisman  00:05

This is Coffee N.5. I’m your host, Lara Schmoisman. We’re live on Facebook. And welcome back to Coffee N.5, I’m always happy to be here every week for you, and to somehow to help your business grow and give you tips and tricks from the marketing side that that’s what I do. But also I love to bring experts to you, these experts. And as you know, I just I handpick everyone that comes here. I, they are not random coaches, because you know what, I think that lightly, everyone can be a coach, and I think it’s great. But when it’s about my business, I want to talk to people that they have a track record, and that I know that I can trust, because they made others great, and they made them succeed. So today, we have a Micaela Passeri, and another sexy accent. They’ve also come here and Micaela Thank you for being here.


Micaela Passeri  01:08

Thank you so much, Lara, thank you for having me.


Lara Schmoisman  01:11

So, um, first of all, I want you to tell our audience a little bit about your background and who you are, and how did you get here.


Micaela Passeri  01:21

So I am an emotional intelligence and business performance coach, I have been in business since my early 20s. I’ve built both six and seven figure businesses throughout my I guess career as an entrepreneur. And I, you know, did I took that long and hard knocks, road to entrepreneurship, here and there. So I’ve learned a lot from my own mistakes. And I’ve learned a lot from a lot of mentors and coaches myself. And as I, you know, worked in my businesses, you know, pivoted in my businesses, and now I am coaching myself, other people in their businesses, I found that the most important thing that an entrepreneur needs to understand is how to manage themselves. And that’s really what I did on my own personal development journey. And also, by the way, along the way, I always delve deep into personal development.


Lara Schmoisman  02:26

Yeah. And that’s so important. Yeah.



So I, as I was working and, and growing and shifting and pivoting in many different businesses, I was always learning and looking at myself and say, Okay, how can I be and do better? And what is all you know, and looking at the things that were coming up for me and trying to understand why, so that I could be the master of them and not the victim to them? Right?


Lara Schmoisman  02:52

Yeah. Something that I learned being an entrepreneur is that we evolve with our business, and with our experiences. Somehow, you also need to grow a thicker skin. And you learn many times you learn a lot more from the failures and the for the success.


Micaela Passeri  03:12

Yeah, actually, that is failing is, is a little bit of the secret sauce to success. What do you do learn you learn what not to do you learn how to do things better, you learn, you know how to show up better, so. So yeah, so I got here basically, through be living my journey, and really understanding that emotions are the foundation, knowing how to manage your emotions is the foundation to personal and business success. And that’s what I did for myself. And so I, you know, I went So to give you just a kind of a visual snapshot, I went from someone who was, you know, living their life with a black cloud over their head, someone who’s has sunshine over their head all the time.


Lara Schmoisman  04:04

Oh, what why was that?


Micaela Passeri  04:05

Well, it was all it was all of the emotions, right? It was all my emotional triggers to the negative events in my life. And the negative conversations that I created, that were the undertone of how I was behaving and acting in my life, and in my business. And so when I understood, right, and then I could use that in my business, and to perform higher in my business to be more effective and efficient in my business. Then I was then waking up, you know, instead of with the black cloud over my head with sunshine.


Lara Schmoisman  04:41

Let’s stop for a second because there are a lot of people that they believe that in order to the business, you have to have a business persona or a poker face. So do you how do you differentiate? Do you have a personality that is your business personality and then you have your Home personality, you have different personalities, or because dealing with emotions at work. And many times he’s like, I totally believe in being vulnerable. But at the same time, when you are a leader, you need to be careful and how we show your emotions because you’re leading other people into it. And emotions are powerful. So I always say my team, don’t freak out until you see me freaking out.



Right? Yeah, so I believe that you know, you have so that the key to managing your emotions is knowing how to respond. So it’s not that you have a poker face, or it’s not that you have a different persona, it’s still you, you get to show up in your business, because at the end of the day, let’s face it, people buy you, right.


Lara Schmoisman  05:46




They buy who you are, and obviously what you can do for them. So you have to be in your business, your persona, and your personality has to be in your business. But it’s all about responding instead of reacting. So I might be more strategic in the way that I respond in my business, then maybe I that I respond in my personal life. Now how you do one thing is how you do everything in your life. So it will seep into the other areas. But it’s really all about understanding how to respond instead of react. That is the foundation of emotional intelligence.


Lara Schmoisman  06:28

And I feel like a lot of nuance entrepreneurs, or new up and coming entrepreneurs, let’s call it this way. And I did this too, with them to give a lot for free. At the beginning shots growing our business, how much is too much? And where do you draw the line. So


Micaela Passeri  06:50

I think it’s okay for you to give something away for free to allow people to have an experience of you. Because we know that people buy once they know like and trust you, they don’t know you from Adam, it’s going to be a hard sell you they need to know you they need to know what you offer, they need to be able to trust that you can help them achieve where it is that they want to go. Right? So it’s okay to give something away for free. so that people can have an experience of you I do an event every five weeks, that’s free. And it’s allows people to give them an experience of how I coach have experience of my knowledge and experience of my capabilities. Right? Then from there, I make an offer, right? So I make an offer, and I bring people into my paid services. So that’s where I would say I would draw the line is you give somebody something for free to experience you. And then after that, if they have received value, and they’re interested to continue working with you, then you bring them in.


Lara Schmoisman  07:58

Absolutely. But you don’t i and this is also my experience is sometimes when you give clients things for free, they take them for granted. How do you help entrepreneurs to say, okay, because my, my learning here was okay, I if I decide to give something for free to make the other person acknowledge, hey, this is a good gift. This is a free, but the value, Is this real? The real value is this, because I learned that the tough that way. Because if you don’t give a value a real value for your services, then it’s something that they’re going to give for granted. And is Oh, it’s not valuable. So why should I pay for something I was getting for free? Or for very little?



Yeah. So you have to get you have to be discerning, right, you have to be discerning, you have to kind of set yourself up for success. A lot of times, you know, creating the value is obviously Yeah, you you tell them what the value of whatever it is that the gift that you’re giving, but also testimonials will create value for you, right? People who have worked with you. So like, for example, on my event, I have people that come on that I’ve experienced my event before so they can get a live testimonial, as well as share, you know, live tests, other tests of pre recorded testimonials. But yeah, people you know, people will give you for granted. They’re not your people.


Lara Schmoisman  09:22

Absolutely. Also.


Micaela Passeri  09:25

Switched from there, then it’s like okay.


Lara Schmoisman  09:27

Yeah, of course. And then something that I learn in, in business was that you need to find your people and you need to find your voice and your voice. Maybe it’s not for everyone. If someone doesn’t like them, then your voice is okay. That’s not your people. And it’s okay that you’re not for everyone.


Micaela Passeri  09:48

Yeah, exactly. It is because there are seven, almost 8 billion people on this planet. You’re bound not to be good for some people.


Lara Schmoisman  09:56

So for example, you have a person coming to you An enterpreneur that I want to be an entrepreneur. So how would you go from there?


Micaela Passeri  10:06

Well, first, it’s really about seeing what what’s, what’s their burning desire? What is it that they want to create? Right? What are they trying to achieve? By becoming an entrepreneur, a lot of people become an entrepreneur because they want to feel their passion, right? They and they see that they can only do that by being their own boss and being an entrepreneur. So it’s really about figuring out what it is that they want, where they want to go. And what’s what’s been in the way for them to get there up until now. Right? So understanding what’s their upsells?


Lara Schmoisman  10:43

One other thing that I see a lot of things that I see it also from my own coaching clients. Is that about scaling? Yeah. And that’s the hard part. So how working with a coach like you will help them to scale their business?



Well, when you when you get to a point where you need to, you want to scale, it’s all about strategy. So what I find in the entrepreneurial world is that most entrepreneurs, they just go in, they do and they’re kind of aimlessly, being busy, they don’t have a strategy. So it’s really about having a strategy and implementing that strategy and being committed to the strategy. And a lot of times you kind of have to back yourself into the


Lara Schmoisman  11:30

I think I’m loving you, because that’s what I say about marketing is all about strategy and give it time and be perseverant.


Micaela Passeri  11:40

Absolutely. And it’s about showing up. And it’s about doing the income generating activities that you need to do and marketing is one of them. Right? Yeah, it’s it’s all about the strategy. And and entrepreneurs don’t like strategy, because sometimes it makes them feel constrained. And it also gets them into some of the emotions of doubt, and fear, because it’s like, Okay, if I’m gonna apply this strategy, Will it work? Will it not work, right. So that’s why having a coach is really good, because they read you on the strategies that have already been proven to work.


Lara Schmoisman  12:20

So I have a lot of people who think that being an entrepreneur is being a boss, and it’s really not, it’s being a learner constantly. And being an entrepreneur is being a leader is something that I found out that if you don’t know how to lead your team, even if you’re a solid entrepreneur, and you’re only working with freelancers, that becomes your theme to you’re never by yourself, even your mailman arriving with the mail on time is part of your team, because you’re counting with that part.



Right, you have to first really know how to lead yourself, which is, you know, make sure that you’re on top of the things that you need to do, make sure you’ve got a strategy, make sure you’re not getting thrown off kilter by your emotional state, right? So make sure that you’re on point and then when you know how to lead yourself, then you can also lead other people. So leadership skills, along with emotional intelligence skills are number one into Well, number two, and what leadership is to emotional intelligence.


Lara Schmoisman  13:23

Well. Yeah, that’s a big point. Because I’ve been, like I was saying, a lot of people think is a boss, and it’s okay to be all over the place. But if you’re all over the place, you cannot lead other people. And you need a strategy. Like I always say that I created my company, culture by design, I designed my company culture, that there was a strategy. We have an incredible business culture and company culture that we have challenges with everyone who listened the podcast, I repeat all this because I love my team, and I love how we interact. But it was done by strategy is not that we got here, from one day to another, there was different things that we were introducing at different times. And to get here, you cannot go in from two sold out in an event if you don’t put tickets to sell.



Yeah, and you know, it’s taking steps, right, it’s taking so like with your example with your company, you took certain steps and then each step of built up that you took built on itself until you arrived where you are today. So it’s it’s it’s it’s just like the compounding effect, right? When we are learning, we’re we’re piling up knowledge on top of the knowledge that we just learned the day before. And that all lead together will allow us to move us forward. And it’s the same thing in business, right? You take one step and then that step that you took it to that much farther and then after that you take the next one, and then you know a year down the line you find yourself several, you know, hopefully kilometers or miles down the road. Because you’ve taken the steps and you’ve taken the right steps by strategizing, implementing taking action, and being committed to your business, a lot of entrepreneurs aren’t committed.


Lara Schmoisman  15:12

Yeah, there are a lot of people out there. And I seen it with several clients who come and go, that they all have ideas, but they want everything fast. And they want implemented, they don’t understand that marketing takes time, the business takes time. And also, if you don’t have a great funding to put a lot of advertising and make like a really spike, and everyone knows you’re about your business, it’s impossible to make it happen. There’s just only so many miracles out there, and, and even the gods, but I mean, there are these kind of roles I want to talk about, like, they say, like into two years into business, you’re like just getting your feet wet. And you’re really, really a successful entrepreneur or your company will leave if you’re five years into business. And so do you have any rules with that?


Micaela Passeri  16:04

No, not really. I remember studying those rules in business school. And now Not really, I think, you know, I think that there are different levels of success, right. And I think that there are different levels that a business has to go through for sure. But I don’t necessarily believe that if you, you know, you have to hit the five year mark, to really know that you’re going to be alive another year as a business. Right? So.


Lara Schmoisman  16:39

Absolutely. Micaela, I always asked all my guests the same question. If someone comes to you, and I ask you, what are the most important three tips for intrapreneur? to have a successful business? What are those three tips?



Okay, so these are, these are good ones. Okay, so the number number one thing is always be a constant learner, we kind of already talked about that, right? stay open, you have to stay open, if you’re not open, doors of opportunity will not open for you. So number one is constantly, you know, basically be a learner and be open. So that’s number one. Number two, you want to make sure that you have every day income generating activities that you’re doing in your business, in order to make money, because a lot of entrepreneurs, but a lot of stuff in their schedule, and they’ll be busy. They think they fool themselves in thinking that they have a business and that they’re busy, but they’re not actually doing the things that were holding money. So you’ve got to fill your calendar with money generating activities, marketing is one sales calls and is another, you know, strategy, strategizing is another. So those are all things that bring you on the way to making money. So you have to schedule all of those in your calendar. And then number three is when you when you fall there, get yourself right back up, don’t give up, right. So you will make mistakes, you will have some failures, and that’s okay, you’ll learn from them, you’ll get yourself back up, if you’re committed, and keep going and see your business, you know, to success.


Lara Schmoisman  18:16

Amazing, those tapes were great. And thank you so much, Michaela for having coffee with us today. And of course, we’re gonna put all your information in the in the notes in the podcast. And I’m sure we’re going to hear a lot more from you. And now I want to go to one of your events too.


Micaela Passeri  18:35

Well, you should come I actually have my money breakthrough event this Thursday in two days. Oh, awesome. Right. So we’ll put it out here in send it to my team and we’ll put it here in the group as well. Okay, that’s great.


Lara Schmoisman  18:51

Okay, thank you so much for being here.


Micaela Passeri  18:54

Thanks Lara thank you so much. Thanks for having me.


Lara Schmoisman  18:57

Thank you for joining us. If you like the show, remember to leave a review. I will really appreciate it. If you want to know more about marketing and and myself follow me on Instagram. My handle is Lara Schmoisman, was so good to have you here today. See you next time. Catch you on the flip side. Ciao ciao.


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