Coffee N. 5

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Claire Wasserman decided to do her part to eliminate the wage gap. She is the founder and author of Ladies Get Paid, a community that empowers women to get control over their salary and careers. Claire has traveled across the country teaching women how to negotiate, whether it is a raise, holidays, a promotion, nothing is off the table when you are looking for better compensation.


  • Claire found a way, as an individual, to fight the wage gap: doing salary negotiations. Until we can change the system, the least we can do is make sure we are being paid what we deserve.
  • Put your mind into it: don’t be afraid to ask. You are the only one able to speak about your job and accomplishments, make your case. And think about what you are going to do or ask if they say no. 
  • For Claire, it’s not all about the money. There are other compensations that you could ask for that can be useful to you, to your career. 
  • In order to have a better negotiation, Claire suggests that you imagine all the reasons why your employee might say no, and how you are going to address that. And prioritize, between all the things that you want to get, which one is more important?
  • How to move to the next level? First, think of what you want and how you can get there. Claire starts by asking questions to people that already had a similar experience: what challenges did they have? How could you resolve them? What skills should you have? And when you finally speak to your employer, have some suggestions about things that you could do to get where you want to be. 
  • Let them know how much your work is worth. Claire starts any business relationship by establishing her value. It doesn’t mean that she is not open to negotiate it, but it’s important that your client knows the real cost of it. Even if you will be doing something for free.
  • How to get ready for the negotiation? Besides all the things that you should already have in mind, all the research that you should do about your work, Claire wants you to practice. Make a script, repeat it, and watch yourself, learn when you are getting nervous, what does it look like? Don’t fight it, accept it. 

If you want to know more about Claire, you can visit her website or go to Ladies Get Paid.

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Lara Schmoisman, CEO & Founder of The Darl and Marketing Simplificado


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