How To Increase Blog Traffic and Keep It There?

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that the humble act of blogging has been around for almost two decades. From the 1994 creation of to the development of sites like LiveJournal and TypePad, we’ve come a long way!

Fortunately, if you’re hoping to attract more attention to your modern-day blog. The story is the same no matter where you’re writing. Whether you’re sharing your brand’s story on Blogspot or WordPress, here are seven proven ways to increase traffic to your posts.

  • How do I get traffic to my new blog?
  • How can I increase blog traffic to my blog for free?
  • Do beginner bloggers make money?

Write Compelling Content – Increase Blog Traffic

Hands down, the most important thing you can do for your blog is creating valuable content that readers want to see. All of the strategies below are worth nothing if no one can see the value in what you’re offering! Take some time to consider topics of interest, noteworthy trends, reader surveys, and the knowledge only your brand can provide. Don’t hesitate to delegate this to a content creation expert if blog writing isn’t in your wheelhouse.

Use the Right Keywords

Keyword research is just as crucial for your blog as it is for your website. Free tools like Google Analytics, Semrush, and Ahrefs can help you understand which keywords are most relevant for your content based on their monthly search volume. It can be super helpful for you to increase blog traffic.

Add Images and Graphics

When you pair images with your posts, it can make them more socially shareable. Viewers are attracted to strong images and powerful graphics, so adding some visual interest can get more eyes drawn to your content itself.

Get Expert Guest Bloggers

Guest blogging is a great tool for a few key reasons. First, it means that someone else is providing valuable content that appeals to your readers, which should mesh with what you already offer. Next, when you and your guest blogger promote the post, it allows both of you to expand your reach and build your audience. Last, it’s a blog you don’t have to write yourself!

Allow Visitors to Subscribe

If you want your site visitors to return, make sure you can get in touch with them! Prompting them to subscribe to your blog—or a newsletter round-up of your latest blog posts—can encourage repeat visitors and more shares. 

Encourage Sharing

Don’t be afraid to ask for promotion! The call to action for your blog can be anything you like, so if you’re focusing on blog traffic, ask readers for social shares. In addition, it can help to add social sharing icons for easy access. Pinterest is the best social media platform to increase blog traffic in free.

Be Consistent

These days, consistency is key both in the blogosphere and beyond. If you want readers to come back, give them something to come back to regularly! Create a content calendar, and make sure to stick with it.

When you’ve put your valuable time into crafting the perfect blog posts for your brand, your efforts deserve a crowd of readers and a massive ROI! If you’re ready to get serious about website traffic, these simple tips can help you attract more visitors/conversions and get your content more attention.

Looking for more ways to make the most of your marketing efforts? Be sure to check out my other guides for insights!